Wednesday 28 May 2014

A Love Story (Part 2)

~Here is the second half of my romance story with Alfonzo!  Find out if we lived happily ever after or if our relationship faltered (I think you could guess).  Enjoy my story and comment :) ~  
     The "Welcome" mat was edged with soft green moss.  I held my breath as Alfonzo pushed open the door.  I didn't know it then but this would be my first time meeting my family in law and business partners.
      The living room was cozy, furnished with plush couches and soft Persian rugs.  Alfonzo asked me to sit while he made us some tea.  I sat down slowly still clutching awkwardly to the handle of my bulky suitcase.
      "Hey guys!" Alfonzo yelled from the kitchen, "My lovely girlfriend is here!".  I blushed at the word "girlfriend" when suddenly there was a stampede crashing down the stairs and I was being bombarded with hugs and hellos.  His family was so incredibly sweet.
      There was his mother, at the time with long brown hair tied in a bun that has since become gray at the roots.  I remember meeting her for the first time and noticing her impeccable smile and voluptuous curves.  His father was a stick thin man who almost always had a cigarette hanging out his mouth.  Maria, his sister and now one of my best friends, was a strikingly delicate girl with a fire in her eyes.  She was the one to calm me in this overwhelming whirl of meet and greets.
      "Let me show you to your room while Alfonzo gets the tea ready" Maria released the suitcase from my iron grip.  The house was so sweet, all the rooms were filled with sunlight and the beds covered with hand made quilts.  My room was adjacent to Alfonzo's.  After setting my stuff down we went back down stairs where the whole family was sitting around the living room with warm cups of tea.  Alfonzo motioned for me to sit next to him and we spent the night discussing dreams and reliving sweet memories.
      I can remember the exact moment I fell in love.  I woke up early, before anyone else.  I decided to take a walk down to the beach.  The stone path was dimly lit by swaying lanterns and the trees stretched there limbs, waking from slumber.  When I got to the cliff leading down to the beach the light was so beautiful and the sky was just the perfect amount of cloudy.  I felt different here.  I can vividly recall standing on the rocky beach, pebbles crunching under my feet, staring out at the ocean.  I was in love with this country and there was no way I was going back to live in America.  ~~~
     I spent several months in the Wales cottage, dropped out of school and soon got married to Alfonzo.  His family business was thriving and I agreed to help as a manager.  We moved to London soon after so I could help with their new branch and it was such an amazing adventure where I got to work with amazing people.  Alfonzo picked up a job too, as a shoe repair man.  He is surprisingly very happy with his work and we always have the nicest shoes.
       We were ready to start a family, but to anxious to wait for the birthing process.  So we got to work filling out forms to adopt.  We ended up with five beautiful little children whom we love dearly; two boys and three girls.  Adopting was the most humbling and purifying thing I have ever experienced.
        We have filled our secluded house with love and happiness and I could not adore my family more.  All I know is that my life took blossom on that the faithful day in Psychology rm 204 where I met my husband and everyday since has been a beautifully maturing flower.

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