Wednesday 21 May 2014


~ This is my first vignette! If you are not familiar with the word "vignette", please feel free to Google it because I'm not sure how to explain it. This is about a revelation I had when I was younger, a true story. Please enjoy and leave a comment if you experienced a similar experience!~
I sat with my tiny legs crossed on the floor, tilting my head from side to side.   I had become enthralled with drawing on my Magnadoodle, a yellow plastic pad with a red magnetic pen that pulls the graney metal to the surface of the screen to create a fuzzy image.  I would draw squiggly houses and disproportionate stick figures, then I washed the whole scene away with a quick sweep of the small handle.
Of course before I erased my art I would show my dear mother.  Her reaction was always similar, “Oh, thats nice sweetie” she said.  After my fifth drawing and fifth nonchalant compliment I began to question the consistency of her reviews.
Pulling my stringy hair behind my ears with the tips of my fingers, I got to work to make the worst picture I could possibly make.  I took the red pen and scratched like a wild animal on the pad, the noise similar to the sound of buzzing bees, if bees were made out of plastic.  My end result was an out of focus blob of black.
Satisfied with my horrid work, I got up and adjusted my cotton shirt.  I ran into our tightly packed kitchen where my mother was washing presumably dishes over the sink that was too tall for me to see. She was wearing water splattered pajamas and looked pretty tired “Do you like my drawing?” I asked, showing her my crazy mess of lines.
“Thats nice sweetie” she stated.  I had my results.  My small brain now contained the information that no matter what I showed my mother she would compliment it.  I nodded my head slowly and walked back down the shadowy halls to my bright room. Gotcha, I thought.


  1. I loved this memory because I have basically the same one! I loved the childlike innocent voice that the story had but also the humor behind it. Great description of the toy, it's hard to describe(I had one too!).

  2. HAHA! I love the 'Gotcha!' You were, are, and forever will be my drunkle ;)
