Friday 16 May 2014

Princess Alexandria

~I wrote this short character description about a sad princess.  I was inspired to write this piece when I heard this beautiful classical song playing on the radio.  She is a very interesting character if you ask me. Hope you enjoy~          
  Alex is a princess of a far away land where it snows nine months out of the year and rains the other three.  Princess Alexandria gets very lonely in her castle and rarely sees her parents or her older brother.  She sits in her room, and watches the snow piling while playing her violin.  The princess is confined to a wheelchair and has nothing to do but sit and practice her beautifully crafted violin.  She often wishes she could be normal, and run outside to meet all of the children playing in the snow. They could roll in the snow and catch snowflakes on their tongues, Alex and her friends.  She only have one real friend, Anne, the maid.  She is very kind and old and comes to take care of Alex and give her food.  Alex likes to tell Anne about all the things shes been thinking about and convinces Anne to let her wheel fast down the long hallways of the castle, like she is racing the wind, wiping around corners and diving past corridors.   Alexandria will always ask Anne if they could go outside today. "Oh, Princess" Anne smiles "You can't go outside. The wheels of your chair would freeze".  And so they stay inside and Alex plays the violin.  She is the best violinist in all the land, and the only time she get lots of company is when Anne takes her into grand hall and people from the town come to hear Alexandria play.   She loves when they cheer for her and chant her name.
           Alex is smart, she knows she will never take her parents place as ruler since her brother is older and has two working legs.  So she reads, trying to retain as much knowledge as possible before she has to face her unpredictable future.  Her room is filled with books from floor to ceiling and she reads about knights in shining armor and adventures on the sea.  She favorite stories are the ones where heroic women defeat evil with their sharp wit.   She prefers when they live in hot, sunny places and take long walks to ponder their thoughts, for she knows the cold too well. At heart she is courageous and daring.  She wonders what it would be like to travel the world, to see flowers and rivers and blue skies.
           Sometimes she does wonder what the future will hold and is afraid she knows her fate will be another prince in a neighboring country, a sad life of unhappy relations and meaningless ceremonies.  Yet she must be kept in this wheelchair and it is possible that they will keep she here, in this white castle, for the rest of her life.  If only she could escape for just a day, to feel a bruise on her delicate skin and taste excitement instead of the numbness that consumes her.
         But for now all she can do is play the sweet strings of her violin, letting the music say what is trapped inside her heart.  She dreams that one day she will be able to share her music with people all over the world.

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