Thursday 29 May 2014

The Drummer

~Here is a little one act play that I have written!  This is my first time dappling in the art of play writing, but it was so much fun!  I think I did a good enough job for it to be at least understandable. All I have to say is: "I wrote a hit play! What did you ever do?" -Rushmore ~

The Drummer
by Beatrice L.
Indiana: The bands photographer who is quiet and collected, but doesn't like being told what to do.  Although she prefers flying under the radar she is still a team player.

Cesar: The lead singer of the band.  He is very over dramatic and narcissistic.  Despite this, on stage he is a charming and cool.

Hal: The bands guitarist.  A very sweet good-natured guy who believes in Indiana’s talents.  Can be flamboyant and corny at times.

Katie: The band manager who is responsible and very kind.  She is bubbly and always keeps things positive.

(Three band members and their photographer are backstage in the green room, waiting for their irresponsible drummer to show up.  They are about to go on stage and CESAR is pacing the floor while HAL tries calling the late drummer)

HAL: He doesn't seem to be answering
CESAR: Where is he! My god I'm going to kill him!
HAL: He’ll be here! Don't worry...
CESAR: God damnit. He is always pulling BS like this! What are we gonna do!

(KATIE enters with clipboard)

KATIE: Guys...Five minutes till show.  I don't want to jinx anything but maybe start coming up with a creative solution!
CESAR: SOLUTION! What solution! How can we play without a drummer? How can a rock band play without its crappy drummer?!
KATIE:(Shrugs) Well, we have to do something!
CESAR: This is STUPID! I don't want to deal with this, its beneath me!
HAL: Guys-
KATIE: How about we get someone from one of the other bands to play?
HAL: Hey you guys-
CESAR: They’re not gonna want to play two sets, thats insane!
HAL: YOU GUYS! Why don't we get Indiana to play?  She took drumming lessons as a kid?

(Indiana is sitting on the couch playing with her camera, she looks up)
INDIANA:(confused) What?

KATIE: Oh Indiana! Thats perfect!
CESAR:Wait wait wait, she USED to play the drums?
HAL: (to INDIANA) Do you know the songs?
INDIANA: Well pretty much but...
KATIE: We don't really have a choice! Indie, you’ll be fabulous!

(KATIE exists with a flustered CESAR, going to the stage)

INDIANA: Hold on! I don't even want to play the stupid show!
HAL: (puts hand on INDIANA’s shoulder) Indiana, we need you

(INDIANA rolls eyes)

(The band walks out on stage and the crowd cheers.  It is a small smoky and crowded room filled with shadowy faces.  Indiana has a music stand with all the song sheets on them, she looks nervous.  Cesar takes the microphone.)

CESAR:(clears throat)Hello, hello! Isn't this a fine looking crowd! So it seems we have a little surprise tonight.Since our regular drummer is a huge bastard, our usual photographer will be taking his place tonight! Lets give a round of applause to INDIANAAAAA!!!!

(Slow awkward claps)

CESAR: She hasn’t played the drums since she was a teenager and has never before played our songs. (silence) I'm kidding of course! Let’s do this!

( The band begins playing and INDIANA is struggling.  The crowd seems to notice the mistakes.)

HAL: Don't worry Indie, you're doing great!
INDIANA: doing great! ( trying to concentrate)
CESAR: (in the middle of the song) You know what I want? I’m in the mood... for a hardcore DRUM SOLO!

(BEAT.  Not knowing what to do,INDIANA goes crazy smashing drums and cymbals with no rhyme or reason. At the end she pushes over the drum kit with a bang.  BEAT.  Everyone goes nuts and the room explodes with cheers.)

( The band is running back into the green room, everyone is thrilled with the performance)

HAL: That was AMAZING!
KATIE: You DID do fabulously, Indiana!
INDIANA: That was pretty fun!
CESAR: You had fun?
INDIANA: I just said-
CESAR: You’re hired
INDIANA: I’m hired?
KATIE: Welcome to the band! (tries to hug INDIANA)
INDIANA: Hey I never accepted!
HAL: Yay! We have never had a drummer who could do a good solo! You're a god, Indie!
CESAR: Lets not go that far, I'm the only god in this band
INDIANA: What if I don't wanna be in your dumb band!


HAL: Well do ya?

(INDIANA looks around at all the smiling faces.  She purses her lips in suspense)




  1. HOLY COW this was cute and really well executed! It was funny and I love Indiana! Everyone had really distinct personalities and it was just... awesome... Send me the rest again, okay? ;)

  2. I think this story about a band is really funny, good story bra!

  3. so good, so good
