Wednesday 7 May 2014


~this is a short piece I wrote when I was tired but still needed to work.  It's very descriptive to the emotion yet without revealing what the exact emotion is.  I hope you are able to visualize what I am describing~

A silver cloud settles around your brain and you become numb.  You know you need to concentrate on your obligations but suddenly your head is more heavy than you remember it ever being and your sight becomes blurred.  Suddenly your mind begins to drift and images of fluffy pillows and wonderful dancing sheep fill your head, you begin to wander through the realm of your unconscious thoughts.  You have slipped into an illusion, your body has shifted from feeling very heavy to noticeably light and airy.  You can feel the breath of spirits on your face and it feels as if you could float if you wanted because you are so relaxed.  Then your head snaps back and the heaviness crashes upon you once again, like a wave.  Your eyelids are like lead, your body filled with sand.  The worst part is that you know you could have prevented this terrible disease by simply accepting the earlier proposal from your desirable bed, a proposal that no longer stands.



  1. The wonderful dancing sheep! I love it! I also love the 'body filled with sand' part because that's such a perfect description for that feeling! Now I'm hyper aware of my tiredness right now.... woozy...

  2. I love how you wrote this piece while you were feeling this emotion. I'm sure the piece would have been very different if you had wrote this same emotion while you were not feeling tired.
