Tuesday 27 May 2014


~For me it has always been calming to make lists and organize my thoughts.  Here are some lists of things I enjoy and categories that have interested me~

My personal favorites:

1 Cookies
2 Movies
4 Writing
5 Foxes
6 Reading a good book
7 My family
8 kittens <3
9 Rain
10 the beach

People who have inspired me:

1 Wes Anderson
2 Jack London
3 John OCallaghan
4 Amy Poehler
5 My family
6 My friends
7 Richard Ayoade
8 Simon Amstell
9 Jim Henson
10 Myself

Places I would like to go:

1 Brazil
2 Venice, Italy
3 India!
4 Australia
5 Prague, Czech Republic
6 Iceland
7 Barcelona, Spain
8 South Africa
9 Egypt
10 Germany

Things in people which I like:

1 Compassion
2 Intelligence
3 Friendliness
4 Similar humor as mine
5 Adventurous
6 Trustworthy
7 Peaceful attitude
8 Sincerely humble
9 Good music taste
10 Love of music

Things in people which I dislike:

1 Mean
2 Rude
3 Bad manners
4 Superiority complex
5 Phoneyness
6 Ignorant
7 Unflexible
8 Lots of anger
9 Braggy
10 No sense of self

Things that worry me:

2 Ruining my life somehow
3 Growing up
4 Never fulfilling my dreams
6 Getting eaten by a shark
7 Everyone leaveing
8 Everything
9 Bugs getting into my mouth at night
10 the state of the human race

Things I would like to know how to do:

1 Juggle
2 Spell perfectly
3 Sew
4 Play the guitar
5 Work technology
6 Cook wonderfully
8 Magic tricks
9 Make people adore me
10 Survive in the wild

Favorite movies:

1 Submarine
2 The Darjeeling Limited
3 Elizabeth town
4 The Princess Bride
5 Harold and Maude
6 The Royal Tenebaums
7 The Incredibles
8 Little Miss Sunshine
9 The Breakfast Club 

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